
Next Week!

We will be running a Cover It Live session at 10am (GMT) you can find the link here

Message to new and old participants: Please make sure you complete a sign Up form so that I can get in touch if we have a problem commenting or if your piece is to be showcased.

I hope you all had a good holiday and we are all now back at school. The showcase for Week#20 will go out on 26th February and you can see the showcase for WEEK#19 HERE

The prompt for this week is quite a simple one. It is:

…the car stopped suddenly…

Make sure you keep to the 100 word limit and do go and visit at least 2 other pieces from different schools.

If this is your fist vist please read the tabs at the top which should help. If you are still stuck then do leave your question in the comments below or tweet me @theheadsoffice