What the Teachers Say!

“The 100 Word Challenge allows my class the opportunity to write creatively for a real audience, and powerfully helps them to understand how their writing can be enjoyed by readers beyond their own school. Sometimes we use it in class or as homework, but most of the time my pupils are motivated by the outcomes to simply choose to get involved. It’s a terrific way for children to find their digital feet. They not only enjoy giving and receiving feedback on their writing, but also developing a sense of how to contribute to an online community.”

Pete Stuart – Braishfield Primary Hampshire


“The major challenge has been to get children writing, especially those who are disengaged and who do not see the point of writing.  By providing a short task with a prompt they can write in whichever way their creativity decides, and with the extended audience, children have seen the benefits of taking part in the weekly 100 word challenge. The quality of their writing has really improved as has the confidence the children have in themselves, as they strive to meet the challenges and impress the legend that has become Mrs Skinner.  What makes the 100 word challenge special and so wonderful is the way Mrs Skinner and her team leave thoughtful and personal comments on each and every post the children do.   As more and more children join the challenge, the children are given more and more opportunities to write and look at other children’s writing.  They themselves leave encouraging comments for other children as well as getting more ideas for their own writing. The opportunities for collaboration, peer and self assessment are endless.  Once the comments on their work began, their viewpoints about writing changed and the wonderful process of creating lifelong writers and learners began.

The children write in different genres and styles, each interpreting the challenge in their own unique way. It is clear from the children’s engagement, particularly participating in sessions outside of school hours, that the children enjoy reading comments from all around the world and enjoy this fun and creative writing opportunity.  Thank you Mrs Skinner, for all you have done for the writers in my classroom.”

Cherise Duxbury – High Lawn Primary, Bolton


 The 100 word challenge has wholly captivated many of my year 5′s. Many eagerly await the time each week when Mrs Skinner releases the new prompt. It has astonished me the impact that the comments from the 100WC team have had. It has encouraged many of my timid but fantastic writers to share their work. It also reinforces the advice I give to the children, when they see it in comments from the 100WC team.  The challenge also gives the children a chance to see the creativity of others and that they can be as creative as they like with their writing. Thus impacting on their work in class.

Michelle Brayford – Brunswick House




2 thoughts on “What the Teachers Say!

  1. My pupils have benefitted greatly from 100 word challenge. This is evident in the following ways:
    - improvement in English grammar usage
    - individual creativity on display
    - better consciousness of Internet security
    - critical thinking skills development
    - interaction with mates around the world

    Bankole Olusola – Bankys Private School, Abuja, Nigeria


  2. My pupils have benefitted greatly from 100 word challenge. This is evident in the following ways:
    - improvement in English grammar usage
    - individual creativity on display
    - better consciousness of Internet security
    - critical thinking skills development
    - interaction with mates around the world


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