100 Word Challenge – Week#31

We have got lots of new schools joining our weekly challenge! The Showcase is getting bigger each week!

********** WEEK#30 SHOWCASE **********

Riley in Grade 5 at Assumption Catholic Primary, Mandurah, W Australia

Lucy at Westridge Elementary , USA

Michael in Yr.6 at Harmony Primary School, Atwell. W. Australia

Jake in Yr.5 at Tetherdown Primary School

Jack at Brundall Primary 


100WC Moby sign 150x300 100 Word Challenge Week#31

As I told you last week, the Brain Pop team have asked to provide a prompt. We are so honoured because they have made an animation just for 100WC! Animations take a lot of time and careful work so Thank You Brain Pop!


In case your school blocks You Tube, here is the Vimeo version!

So, we have Tim and Moby in the jungle, with some cheeky animals and a surprise! You have 100 words to write a creative piece.

If you are a new visitor here please read ‘How to enter the Challenges’ to see what it is all about!

Finally, do make sure you go and visit other entries. Teachers please comment on some especially if you don’t do your own class!

If you would like to see more adventures of Tim and Moby plus a great selection of resources do visit Brain Pop

The link will stay open until 22nd May. Good hunting for some great writing!

10 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge – Week#31

  1. Tim and Moby is walking in the jungle suddenly they see something that is really bright from the cave. They run into the cave and they found the most amazing thing
    It is the golden flower! It is all around the place they pick one of the flower and run back to their tent. one day later they get the flower to the museum and they go back to their home. they are so proud and they are to go to the jungle again if they have time to go. Moby think he forget something. he has lost his hat!

  2. Pingback: Five-sentence challenge and 100-word challenge for Kids | Diabetic Redemption

  3. This is my hundred word challenge.

    Tim and moby went into the forest and walk for a long time and finaly they found a gigantic treasure with gold and money so they take it and run away and when they get back to the tree, they get the money and gold out of the box and put some money and gold back where they found it. After that they get to the tree and put there own food into the box and close it.The next morning they saw the treasure was gone so they are looking for it and they saw it’s in the same place when they saw it.

  4. Sundenly a big light shine to his and he can’t belive what he had found. Tim and Moby was very happy he found an maverliuos titanic waterfall in his eyes.Moby quick Moby let go down there see what we can find. Hey Moby look I’v foud a caoca bean wow! Moby let pick some and make it turn to a chocolate.Yeah that quite a good idea come on let Moby help me pick the caoca beans.Come Moby look go find more thigs out shall we. Come on Moby let’s go.

  5. Pingback: A special BrainPopUK 100 Word Challenge #100wc » mrhandley.co.uk

  6. Pingback: Beautiful | Poeme Sur Le Web Blog

  7. This comment is for number 53
    Hello Sophie, Holly and Imogen. Writing the 100WC piece in a group is a great way to generate plenty of ideas. How exciting to have found some gold! I wondered how it had got there and who it belonged to. I liked how you described everything looking wonky after they had crashed. You finished on a cliffhanger which is a good way to make the reader think about what they have read. I was impressed by your speech punctuation :)

  8. Pingback: Beautiful « Evelinasec's Blog

  9. Pingback: 5 Sentence Challenge #7 | 100 WORD CHALLENGE

  10. Pingback: BrainPOP UK | 100 Word challenge | POPtalk

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