Special Showcase #10

Special Showcase 280x300 Special Showcase #10

Our showcase this time comes from someone at Tetherdown School which is in Muswell Hill, London. It is the work of Louis who is in Year 5. His piece is really imaginative and brings in politics as well as Easter! Well done Louis! Do go and visit their brilliant class blog HERE

Silence erupted when the president of the US peered into the magnificent Easter Chocolate Bunny chamber of glory. Inside was a dishevelled chocolate pond. The chocolate bunny had melted in the sun, as there was an opening at the top of the roof to let light in-and a lot of unexpected heat. Unfortunately, the extraordinarily huge chocolate sculpture was now just a gloop of liquified chocolate-no use for the guiness world records book. Even a normal sized bunny could beat that. The president made up his mind-it had to be done. Reluctantly, he spoke into his worldwide radio/TV microphone.
“Easter is now cancelled.”

2 thoughts on “Special Showcase #10

  1. I like that you put Easter is now cancelled because it was funny. I like the store it is good.I want to read it every day I could read it 999,999 times.

  2. i am working on the 100 word challenge right now. how did you ever fit 100 words? i always get more or less. i just cant get 100!Please come and comment on our blog soon!

    Alina in Texas

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