Urgent message

Unfortunately, Team 100 are not able to comment on the increasing numbers we are getting. If each school could find one or two people to join us we would be able to keep up our commitment to you. We do not want 100WC to have to stop!

Perhaps, schools could put a note in a newsletter to parents. Commentators do not have to be teachers, just enjoy reading children’s work. They will receive some guidelines to support them.

We are wasting precious time with comments boxes that do not allow comments or where comments go into spam. Please check your boxes because I will not be contacting you to tell you there is a problem.

Team 100 is a dedicated group of VOLUNTEERS who are making a huge difference to your pupils writing. Please help by increasing their numbers and sorting out your comments.

If you have any comments / questions please leave them below, email or fill out a comment form.

Week#31 prompt is HERE

12 thoughts on “Urgent message

  1. Thank you 100WC for all of your hard work. I would be willing to help. May I also say, regarding comment boxes and spam settings that if I am representative of many teachers who are new to blogging, that my learning curve with primaryblogger has been steep and I continue to make mistakes with themes and settings that I am still learning to overcome. If the team could direct teachers like me to a forum or area where we could try to refine our sites I am sure that would help.
    Look forward to hearing from you, please keep up the excellent work.

    Mr. Phillips

    • Many many thanks! I have sent your comments to Primary Blogger who are very keen to help teachers. I wuill be in touch about commenting later today. Thank you again!

    • you wouldn’t accept children as 100wc volunteers would you? if I were to be helping the website by doing so, I would be happy to.

      • Thank you for volunteering but Team100 is for grown ups. You can always pop in and leave comments on any though. That would be super. Thank you again!

  2. Don’t know if it helps anyone but kidblog.org is an excellent platform and easy to set settings so that its all secure, everything has to get past the teacher before being published and they are extremely helpful regarding spam. I just sent them an email when I began to receive spam and they sorted it straight away.
    Ps Re restricting the number of entries per school – I wouldn’t be in favour as I have 32 and they would be gutted if their entry didn’t make it plus as a teacher how do you decide. who gets uploaded and who doesn’t. 100 wc has been such a fantastic experience for me and my class and we love doing it.

    • Primary Blogger offers a great service too. They are just sorting the spam situation. Depends how much staff are prepared to moderate themsleves I think

  3. I would be glad to join Team 100 and will ask another person I know who might join. Please let me know what the procedure is. Do we each get specific kids to comment? If it is random, how do we know who has no replies without going through the whole list? Please tell me the specifics.
    Barbara from The Phoenix School, Salem, MA

  4. Hi my name is Joe and I am in 6T at High Lawn Primary school. This is a miniature application for the 100wc team. Hello I love to read, so far I am in the middle of an 500 page novel.(Hunger games, it may be for adults but I find it interesting how there’s loads of suspense ) I love all suspense and how it comes out of nowhere expecting. It would be my honor to mark many children`s work. Please reply to me by e-mail.

  5. Hi-we don’t send in entries every week- but i’d be more than happy to offer comments on a regular basis- just let me know what I need to do-
    thanks Stewart -Colman Jnr

  6. Can the 100WC be used with Kidblog? I am interested in starting Kidblog, and I like that the teacher moderates the comments, but I wasn’t sure if this would work with the 100WC.

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