100 Word Challenge – Week#32

The showcase for Week #31 ( Brain Pop) will be published separately when all the entries are in!

We are all very excited here as 100WC.net has been nominated for an award in the Educational Blog Awards 2012. As if that wasn’t enough, the category it is in is ‘the Most Influential Blog of the Year’! How fantastic is that and how honoured we feel.

Now, being nominated is wonderful but of course we would like to win as this would be a big thank you to the teachers, children and Team100 who work so hard each week. For that to happen we want people to vote for us. You do that by clicking the Education Blog Awards badge below and putting 100wc.net in the box.

EBA Badge Most Blog V12 100 Word Challenge   Week#32

The prompt this week is to write a piece of persuasive writing. It can be to tell people about the 100WC and why they should join in or vote for it or something completely different. You must just convince them to do what you want!

As usual if you are a bit confused about what is going on, please read ‘How to enter the Challenges’ The link will close on 29th May at 9pm. Please note the earlier time!

Now, get persuading and don’t forget to vote!

Have you voted yet?

3 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge – Week#32

  1. This is for 311
    Hi Amy, I really liked the way you started your 100wc by challenging the reader. Great persuasion technique. You also included a question and a range of sentence starts and punctuation. Great job. Sorry I couldn’t post this on your class blog.

  2. Hi Liam, well done for writing for the 100wc. You gave lots of great reasons to take part. It would be hard to come up with an argument against it! To further improve, try to include rhetorical questions and vary your sentence starts. Keep on writing.

    This comment is for 303

  3. This comment is for number 53
    Hello Sam, what a good idea to write to persuade your (head) teacher for a swimming pool. You gave lots of good reasons which would help to make the reader agree with you. It sounds like this is something that you would like to happen for real. :)

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