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Week#22 Showcase can be seen HERE!


This week we have a special prompt provided by World Vision.

World Vision is an international children's charity, focusing on improving the lives of children in some of the world's toughest places'


This is Andualem.  Week#24

Andualem is 12 and he lives in Ethiopia. He’s tucking into a big plate of his favourite food, injera. Injera is a special Ethiopian pancake that you eat with your hands – you tear off a strip, dab it in spicy sauce, and then try to get it in your mouth before you drop any!

Injera is also a meal that you share with your family and friends – it often comes on a big plate so that everyone can gather round and enjoy it at the same time.

Right now, children all over the world are hungry, because they don’t have enough food to eat, but there is enough food to feed everyone if, like Andualiem, we could all learn to share what we have.

Write a message about this to Andualem and others, starting with…

‘If we share…’

As usual, you have 100 words to add to these 3. If you are not sure what to do, please look at the tabs at the top of the page which should help. If you still have questions, leave them below as a comment or contact me on twitter @theheadsoffice

The link will be open until 9pm (GMT) 23rd March