100WC #9


Special prompt next week to link with Anti-Bullying Week. We have a video to share with you which will link with your work on ‘We Are Better Without Bullying’ so do make sure you follow the blog for the prompt.



The link with Gransnet last week was a really good one and thank you to all their members for their comments! Here is the showcase and do remember, these are not necessarily the best pieces but those that deserve an other read!

********** WEEK #8 SHOWCASE **********

Alex in Yr.2 at Shenfield Primary School

Maddy in Class 6 at Broadway East First School

Heather in Maple Class in a Norfolk School

Elena in 6H at St Andrews

Yam in Yr.5 at Shrewsbury International School, Bangkok

Megan L6th Carmel College

Oweber12 at Lanighan Elementary, Michigan


This week you have a picture. I’m hoping that it will stir you imaginations and you will produce some amazing writing!

wpid Photo 12 Oct 2012 2240 100WC #9

If you are a bit lost with all this do read the tabs at the top that hopefully give you all the information you need. If you still have a question, then drop a comment below or fill out a comment form.

Please make sure your comment boxes are open so that the team can leave a comment. We are still getting posts that we cannot access!


The link will be open until 9pm GMT 20th November

Make sure you have completed the SURVEY and had your say about the day 100WC is posted!