
 The new 100 Word Challenge is going so well! We have had such an amazing response but need lots of people to comment. If your class takes part please try to find someone to support them by signing up to comment.


Commenting on 100WC

Become a commenter

Comments are what makes 100WC special and we need lots of people to help us leave a supportive comment for all our young writers. The process is SO MUCH EASIER than before! Check out how you sign up here


Join the community

We have started a weekly chat to share ideas, great posts and meet other participants. It is on Wednesday at 9pm on Twitter. Just follow the hash tag #100WC to join the chat.

There is also a Face Book page that you can like HERE

This week’s prompt

We have another part sentence prompt. This week there is a capital letter at the beginning so it needs to go at the beginning of your sentence.

…As the flashing lights came towards me…

Think about the setting before you start your writing. Where are you? Make sure you read through your work before you publish it!


Check out the showcase

So that we can make sure people who time to recommend pieces for the showcase, it will now be published a week in arrears. So do check out Week #1 SHOWCASE

Taking part

If you took part last week, you are already signed up so
 If you are a new visitor, make sure you register here


Please let me know if you have any sort of problem taking part or publishing. Teachers must publish posts and comments so that young writers can see their work.

Good luck with your writing everyone and don’t forget to visit and leave a comment on someone else’s post!

Week #2

Well! What an amazing first week we had. Over987cb197b968ef14d1ba4ee73f486d6a entries were posted over at the Night Zookeeper. Lots of people have joined the commenting team and we are looking forward to awarding the first showcase badges.

Meet the team

I realised as the week progressed that many of you will know nothing about the Night Zookeeper team. They are dear friends of 100 Word Challenge having set prompts and competitions in the past. Check them out and do leave them a great big THANK YOU for all their hard work for us! Here they are NZK Team

Check out the showcase

As this was the first week of our new look, we are still working out how to get recommendations for the showcase. We have got a few and you find them at


Become a commenter

Comments are what makes 100WC special and we need lots of people to help us leave a supportive comment for all our young writers. The process is SO MUCH EASIER than before! Check out how you sign up here


100WC will always be free.  

However, when you have explored the Night Zookeeper site you will see that there are a host of excellent additions that the children will really enjoy using. As with all software like this it has to be paid for. The lads need to make sure the can pay their bills! Do check out the site and find out about all the amazing things in the Night Zoo!

This week’s prompt

Now for the prompt this week. You have these 4 words to include in your writing. The prompt must be kept as it is written here.

…but under the earth…

Taking part

If you took part last week, you are already signed up so
If you are a new visitor, make sure you register here 


Good luck everyone for another great week of writing!