100 Word Challenge – Week #29


The Showcase for this week will be a separate post later in the week. This is to allow ALL schools to be considered. Please make sure you FOLLOW this blog (see right hand side bar HERE) so that you don’t miss it! 


I’m really excited to tell you that Tim and Moby from Brain Pop will be visiting soon and setting the prompt! Yet another reason to make sure you FOLLOW the blog! 


After all the excitement of the Night Keeper Zoo’s visit, we are going to calm things down a bit! Here are five words that you must include in your 100 words this week. They are:

… Marvellous  Castle  Flew  Noisily  Pink …

So that means you have 105 words to use in a creative piece of writing. Try to highlight the words so that your readers can see them easily.

If you are new here and a bit confused do read ‘How To Enter 100WC’ for more details. Do get in touch if you still have questions!




100 Word Challenge – Week #28

You really came up with some super stories for last week’s prompt about the dragon. Here is the Showcase for WEEK #27. Remember, they are not necessarily the best entries but they are really wroth looking at again!

********** WEEK #27 SHOWCASE **********

Matthew in Yr.4 at High Lawn Primary

Emily in Yr.5 at Brunswick House

Raphael in Yr.5 at Tetherdown Primary

Abbie in Yr.6 at St Therese, Torquay, Australia


This week, we continue with the theme of animals. I want you to watch this video from the Night Zoo Keeper then I will tell you what you have to do!

The zoo needs some more  keepers and to get the job you have to write a creative piece either about one of the strange animals you saw on the screen or one you have made up. You have only got 100 words so really think hard about the words you choose so that your reader could paint the picture.

As usual, if you post an entry please visit other posts. The link will be open until 9pm on 1st May

If you are new here and not sure what you have to do please read ‘How to Join 100WC’. If you still have some questions then leave them in the comments below.

Good luck with your writing and many thanks Night Zoo Keeper!