100 Word Challenge – Week#27


We all love to get comments. Team100WC has been re-organised so hopefully you will get at least one comment from them but it may not be until after the link closes. To get more comments though YOU all need to go and visit entries. It might be something you could on a Wednesday morning as part of your literacy or ‘first thing’ work. Do let us know how you organise it and we’ll share here!

Welcome back everyone! Hope you had a great holidays and did not eat too many Easter eggs!

Here is the Showcase for Week #26

**********WEEK#26 SHOIWCASE **********

Morgan in Yr.3 at Brandlehow School

Charlie in Yr.5 at St Mary Redcliffe School

Tom in Yr.6 at High Lawn

Sarah in Yr.5 at Miriam Lord School


The prompt this week is linked to the 23rd April. For those of us in the UK it is St Georges Day. He is the patron saint of England and the legend tells of him slaying a dragon. So the prompt is:

…the dragon slowly stirred …

Don’t forget you only have 100 words so try to use them carefully. If you are new here please fill in a Sign Up form and read How to Enter 100WC

The link will be open until 24th April. You will find where to enter below the Night Zoo Keeper’s logo!

Myspace Text - http://www.sparklee.com

As previously mentioned, we have a visitor setting the prompt next week! The Night Zoo Keeper will be coming to call so make sure you don’t miss his visit!

100 Word Challenge needs YOUR help!

The 100 Word Challenge is growing!

It is flourishing and children are benefiting from it. Their confidence is increasing and their writing skills are improving by leaps and bounds.

The reason it is so successful is comments the children get. They just love that they have a purpose for writing beyond keeping their teacher happy. Schools are encouraged to comment on posts to broaden pupils contact with other writers. Suggestions from peers hold a great deal of influence.

However, children also love to get comments from ‘grownups’. They understand that the 100WC is about sharing but also about getting better in their writing. So they do appreciate some suggestions of how to make that piece of writing even better. Obviously, it is done in a gentle and constructive way but we have seen great improvements to writing from children taking notice of comments.

The problem with every successful venture though is to maintain the standard. We desperately need more folks to comment. Team100WC is a group of adult volunteers who follow some guidelines and have a set of numbers to comment on each week. Generally, this would be 10 posts across a week. This would take in total about an hour of your time. The key is to pop in from Thursday to the following Wednesday to leave a comment.

If you think you can help please get in touch. This is not a one- off though. We are looking for people who can make this weekly commitment regularly. Obviously there will be things that prevent this but you can let us know and we can cover it.

Please do join the team. It will give you the chance to support young writers and you get to read some FANTASTIC work! Do get in touch by sending your details to [email protected]